Power off consoleΒΆ

Power off either a specific, active console or every console that can be found


usage: xbox-poweroff [-h] [--tokens TOKENS] [--liveid LIVEID]
                     [--address ADDRESS] [--all] [--refresh]

Power off xbox one console

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tokens TOKENS, -t TOKENS
                        Token file, created by xbox-authenticate script
  --liveid LIVEID, -l LIVEID
                        Console Live ID
  --address ADDRESS, -a ADDRESS
                        IP address of console
  --all                 Power off all consoles
  --refresh, -r         Refresh xbox live tokens in provided token file


# By Live ID
xbox-poweroff --liveid FD00231241353532

# By IP Address
xbox-poweroff --address

# Every console that can be found
xbox-poweroff --all